Become a Film Projectionist
On 18th August 2021, we presented a workshop titled Become A Film Projectionist – 101 at the Harkat Film Lab. Projecting film is an art and a projectionist, the artist. In our celluloid-based practice, we take this rather seriously, with the projector and the medium, occupying as much importance as the film work itself. Projectionists have been working behind the scenes for as long as people have viewed films on a big screen. And here was the participants’ chance to go behind the scenes, get their hands on one, learn best practices of handling the medium and the nuts and bolts of projectors.

A projector is a beautifully complex piece of equipment, rare to witness, with almost none in operation. But we’re blessed to have a few working ones and being one of the only spaces in the country to still be screening from film prints. It’s knowledge that the participants probably couldn’t apply anywhere else. But what it gave participants was a deeper understanding in how moving images work, the magic of it all, it’s origins and inherent tangibility.
We took participants through the entire chain on how to prep a film for screening, splicing, threading, optical sound and how it works and ending with all the good wisdom a projectionist must have.
The Harkat Lab is supported by The Gujral Foundation.
Duration: 3 hours.
Date: August 18, 2021
Participants were invited to bring their films as well, if they wish to see them projected.