Dec 12 2014 - Dec 12 2014

Kochi-Muziris Biennale 2014

The Gujral Foundation as the founder patron, has facilitated the lease of ‘Aspinwall” and ‘Cabral Yard’ as prime locations of Kochi-Muziris Biennale (KMB) since 2012. Aspinwall House has hosted numerous artists led projects and events.
The second edition of the Kochi-Muziris Biennale titled ‘Whorled Explorations’ and curated by Jitish Kallat, featured 94 artists from 30 countries, and opened on December 12, 2014 and ran for 108 days till March 29, 2015. The second edition of KMB was visited by nearly 5,00,000 people.
Kochi’s cosmopolitanism has been worn by generations of Keralites as a badge of honour. It is also at the crux of the civilisational crisis – one that is economical, ideological and geopolitical. These complexities gave the Kochi-Muziris Biennale a context and a point of inquiry. It was a quest that brought the world to these shores. Citing historically overlapping episodes from the 14th to 17th century, Whorled Explorations drew upon a wide glossary of signs from Kochi.
Spread across eight venues, the exhibition unfolded through a polyphony of artistic forms as varied as the minimalist poem, sculptural installation, vlog-speech, drawing, painting, video and performance. The Biennale was conceived both as an observation deck to contemplate our world and as a toolbox for self-reflection.
  • Dec 12 2014 - Dec 12 2014

  • Fort Kochi, Kerala, India