Sea Change
The Gujral Foundation was pleased to support the sixth edition of interdisciplinary arts festival COLOMBOSCOPE, curated by Natasha Ginwala, which was held at different historical venues and cultural spaces in Colombo from 24th until 31st January 2019. Over thirty intergenerational local and international visual artists, filmmakers, musicians and scientific experts participated in SEA CHANGE; evoking stories of maritime history, delving into oceanic ecology and shipping infrastructure.

SEA CHANGE addressed the urgencies of a rapidly altering coastline, maritime legacies, and visual narratives stemming from the oceanic horizon. Visitors encountered a series of newly commissioned artistic works, as well as filmmaking, music, culinary and olfactory experiences, live performance, expert discussions, and workshops. In this festival edition, they brought together a larger number of artists from South and South East Asia, including Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, and Thailand. There were also visual and performance artists of Sri Lankan descent from Switzerland and Australia who exhibited alongside international cultural practitioners.